Samstag, 3. Juli 2021

209) 1) What are the reasons for a modern state and society tolerating LGBTQ? 2) Will there be championships or Olympic games in the far future? 3) Whom will we give the power?

Written by Rainer:

Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74


1) What are the reasons for a modern state and society tolerating LGBTQ?

2) Will there be championships or Olympic games in the far future?

3) Whom will we give the power?


1) What are the reasons for a modern state and society tolerating LGBTQ?

One could suggest that humanism has conquered the modern world and led to the acceptance of individual rights. Sounds great, doesn’t it? A victory of humanism?

Accepting the historical fact that democracies are more successful than dictatorships, that democracy is a historical and economic necessity, then one must look for other reasons, apart from simply humanism.

First, many creative people, especially artists, are sexually otherwise orientated.

Second, statistics prove that there are a lot of suicides because of discrimination of sexually otherwise orientated. Work potential and educational investment gets lost when these people kill themselves.

Third, there are too many people in the world anyway.

Fourth, assumptions that pensions could be provided by next generations has proved to be false and therefore a growth of population wouldn’t help anyway.

So! Why should advanced societies and states insist on outdated and ridiculous moral regulations and restrictions? To satisfy radical right-wingers and religious fanatics? It’s better to follow practical reasons to assure development of society.


2) Will there be championships or Olympic games in the far future?

The world record for 100 m running is 9.58 seconds, for 100 m freestyle swimming is 46.91 seconds. Could it be 3 seconds for running or 20 seconds for swimming? Of course not! And there is a big problem of doping. So, what’s the point of organizing these sports events?

Or let’s take ball games! Sooner or later, there will be first one android in each team to advertise a computer company, just like car race for car producing companies, and then the whole team will consist of androids because they will, of course, play much better than humans can.

Imagine an android having a coke, coffee, chocolate, soap, shampoo or a dress to advertise these brands!

Sports will again, like in older times, take place to signal a break of business competition or quarrel amongst ordinary citizens and contribute to a healthier society (not beer drinking in front of the TV while watching a soccer match)

On the other hand, I could imagine other kinds of competition, for example, who is the most creative.


3) Whom will we give the power?

Areopagitica; A speech by Mr. John Milton

Ares was an ancient Greek god of bravery and war. Areopagus is a hill near Athens named after this god. The ancient Greeks held a kind of council or tribunal there and Isocrates was an orator holding an important speech there in 400 BC.

Now, John Milton used this term Areopagitica to name his essay for freedom of speech and press, against censorship.

First, to sustain his reasoning, he used a religious point of view saying that god had given even Adam the choice between paradise and the tree or fruit of wisdom.

Second, he stated that no censor was infallible.

Third, it belongs to the dignity of a free person to choose himself what to read.

Fourth, he declared it impossible to make something unthought, unwritten or unhappend what had already seen the light of the sun.

Fifth, to understand the difference between good and bad, one must experience / read bad as well.

Sixth, Milton thought it rather pretentious to claim that someone alone had the truth.

Seventh, he expressed the strong believe that the truth will prevail anyway.

And eighth, he took an example out of history stating that even Christian believe was once censored.

So, the main question remains: Whom will we give the power to decide what’s good or bad literature, Trump, Putin or maybe Xi Jinping?

The same refers to laws, rules and regulations: Whom will we give the power to create laws, rules and regulations, Trump, Putin or maybe Xi Jinping?



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