Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020

40) history of Islam
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The history of Islam

He was a poor boy, done all kinds of work. His only quality were his good looks. Then he married the rich widow of a businessman. What a luck!
And now? Now he was sitting here, at the entrance to this cave. He had made people believe that he wanted to meditate. And there was something he had to tell them when he came back among them. Many had laughed at him. He couldn't even write or read, and what he knew about religions so far had come from Jewish, Christian, and local traders who gathered all kinds of superstitions from around the world. All of this was a little too high for him on one side, and too flat because only theory on the other side.
A few years later, he had to flee his city because he had incited people. But many had followed him and since he hadn't quite fallen on his head, he started to organize them. They conquered Medina and Mecca. Before each fight, he gave a speech that was sometimes recorded by someone. He later dictated the lyrics. He was now the Prophet "Mohamed".
The holy war spread like an avalanche, more and more nomads joined the victor and wanted to participate in his raids. After the Prophet's death, one of his relatives, who of course was also called Mohamed, took the lead. In less than 100 years, the whole of North Africa to southern France had fallen into their hands, in the east it didn't slow down either, soon till Malaysia.
But as quickly as this huge area was overpowered, with the same speed it disintegrated into smaller realms. Many peoples adopted this successful religion. Malaysia was linked to Spain through lively trade. The tolerance of this religion at that time made it possible to adopt and incorporate the scientific results from a wide range of cultures. That way, the old Greek philosophy and the Indian numbers came back to Europe. Any defeated could keep their religion if they paid a little more tax.
But here, too, cracks in the unity quickly were apparent. The only daughter of the Prophet Mohamed had a son, another Mohamed, of course. She had to flee to Persia because the Mohamed in power saw his position at risk. It was there where Shiite Islam developed (perhaps something like Protestantism among Christians) in contrast to Sunnis.
One could now ask how this once so successful religion, the Islam, could develop today's so retarded dogmatic.
And that is exactly the point: the belief that drove them at the beginning, the freshness that gave them strength, was now used by ruling classes, such as mameluks (castrated civil servants), power-hungry rulers who were not interested in further development because that would have weakened their position. A strong ruler and his stable power always blossom at the beginning and then dogmatize and stick to social norms and state procedures. However, time doesn't stop. Those who cannot adapt to new circumstances decay. The last uprising of Catholicism, the newly emerged Protestantism and the slow decay of the huge Habsburg empire (Karl V .: "The sun does not set in my empire." since his reign stretched from Hungary to Mexico.) caused by that new kind of religion brought a new impetus to Europe. Countries competed with each other, developed new techniques and appeared on the ocean, which resulted in an even greater globalization than it had been under Islam. And that hasn't changed since that time. The Muslim states and societies retreated into a rigid dogmatism.
Not everything new is always good, but it offers new opportunities for humanity to develop that are not yet known. The nationalism that emerged in Muslim societies in the second half of the 20th century took advantage of this dogmatism and made things even worse.
An Ayatollah Khamenei, who had spent his exile in France, cried out to the cheering masses when he returned to the airport in Iran: “In Europe, in this world of unbelievers, I did not open my eyes so that sin would not cloud my eyes.” This is just one example of how dogmatism hits the mind with blindness.


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