Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2020

51) the Bible: A literary-historical classification
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The Bible: A literary-historical classification

The most sold and published book in the world! But is it the most read? Probably not! When talking to believers and theologians, it unfortunately has to be observed again and again that its content is only partially known or just through hearsay. There is discussion about something that most people actually don’t know.
For example, the Hungarians do not know that the name of their legendary leader Arpad is actually the name of a place from the Bible (Isaiah 10/9) and therefore of Jewish origin.
Basically, the first part, the old testament, is a history book. It shows which peoples Jewish people were in constant contact with on their migrations as nomads in the deserts, bounded to the north by the Taurus Mountains, to the west by the river Jordan, the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt, to the east by the Euphrates and Tigris, and to the south by the Arabian Peninsula.
- The quarrel between Cain (farmer) and Abel (goat herder, nomad) probably comes from the Sumerian and illustrates the struggle between belligerent mountain tribes and sedentary peasants, and the change in society at that time from a wandering animal herding to a farming one.
- Noah and his ship are the regular floods of the rivers Nile, Euphrates and Tigris, and the always-threatening invasions of nomadic and mountain peoples into the sedentary area.
- Abraham and Moses symbolize the annual hike into the green desert in the rainy winter and back to the outskirts in the dry summer.
- Jonas in the whale, who like everyone at that time in this part of the world, believed that there was a different star and / or god for each kingdom or country, and so in order not to have to carry out God's command, simply wanted to go to another country. However, the God of Israel is the only one and nobody can escape him.
- Abraham, who in the end did not have to sacrifice his son, was the first sign that humanism was also noticeable in Jewish society, as it was the case in many of this region in which human sacrifice was no longer considered appropriate.
The next part deals with customs that should serve as guidelines for living together (10 commandments), for example regulating the course of a service, or determining holy days.
Then, it is about the history of the sedentary Jewish people with their kings and wars or trade relations with other peoples.
In short, that was the old testament.
The apocrypha deal with the time after Alexander the Great, when the Jewish state was to be rebuilt.
The new testament was written in Greece between 80 and 120 of our era and combines Greek philosophy and mythology, the teachings of Zarathustra and narratives in the form of parables from the life of a Jesus who is said to have done miracles and sat on green grass in the desert with his companions and many followers. He speaks of charity mixed with intolerant statements such as: "If you are not with me, you are against me."
The old testament was originally written in ancient Hebrew, but was then translated into ancient Greek (Septuaginta) by order of a pharaoh about 200 years before our time. After the creation of the new testament in ancient Greek, there was an overall translation into Latin (Vulgata) in the 4th century, and then again in the 8th century (Itala).


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