Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2020

49) the way to alcoholism
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The way to alcoholism

About 10 people are sitting together. They are celebrating. Everyone is having 1 or 2 beers or glasses of wine. The mood is good and everyone will go home at 11 a.m. A night of partying only happens on weddings or other major occasions. We all learned that from our parents, many of whom drink alone at home today.
One starts at 15 or 16. The girls also drink, of course very little. Some couples have been together for years. Most jump from one partner or from one party to another. At 25, some marry and the last marry around 30. There are also some who continue this bird-free life. But slowly there are fewer and fewer private parties and at some point a man usually stays alone.
There are no more parties, and there are no women in the bars, if one leaves out the mostly burned-out waitresses. One remembers the good mood of earlier parties. The alcohol helps. Visiting the pub becomes more and more common. Now one has a beer when visiting one’s parents. The old man is happy that he no longer has to drink alone. The mother doesn't like it, she has her husband's example in mind. "When are you finally getting married?" she pops the question, even though she knows that in the long run that does not keep anyone from alcohol, the most dangerous drug in Europe. She already suspects that he is reaching for the bottle more and more in his small apartment alone.
He used to do at least a little sport, but with alcohol, that is not possible anymore. At his workplace, one reaches the limits at 35, and it’s only slowly going upwards. The meaning of life is missing: "Why all this?" Others have their family and are driven by it. You have to, you have no choice. But are we animals, driven by instincts? - Yes! It is difficult to find a goal. We're not philosophers, who write books, we're ordinary people.
The work is getting more and more difficult, it is no longer easy to get up. The supervisor has already made comments. "The one with his big belly swallows his problems with sandwiches and ketchup! But it doesn't help. That foot kisser is the superior.” His son came home very drunk last weekend, he vomited all over the place. He said to his son: "If you continue like this, you will end up like one of our employees, whom we will soon kick out!" And indeed, a few times, he was late in the morning, he hadn't done his job as thoroughly as usual, he was kicked out. Even the last few weeks till the end of his duty time, he no longer had to appear in the office.
At first he was shocked, although he had known it for a long time. "What now?" The first week he was drunk constantly, he literally enjoyed it, he could finally sleep off any intoxication. He hadn't told his parents yet. But he was starting to worry. He couldn't find a new job immediately. This continued for a few years between different jobs and layoffs, until he then completely lost any fear and worry "What will become of me?" And eventually moved back to his parents. But they couldn't endure it for long. In the beginning, his father was happy to have a drinking partner every day.
He didn’t know exactly how it all happened: at some point he found himself on the street, the alcohol had also wiped out his last memory. A doctor later states: Total mental degradation, no better than a potato. Then, he was taken to a clinic. He didn't always recognize his mother, who sometimes visited him there. He also didn't know that she paid the whole thing out of her small pension. He no longer understood that his father died of liver failure. "Long live the alcohol in the potato!"


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